Sunday, February 20, 2011

Would they get along?

In the book, a couple of boys are stranded on an island that has enough food and water. There are no threats to them on this island and it is possible to survive.  Would they get along? 

I don't think that they would all get along with each other , because those children are randomly mixed together . They all have different characters . Whenever there is many children in one place , they won't get along . There are just people you get along with & people you don't get along with . People can also have a different impression when you meet them the first time . So you might like a person the first time you meet them but when you spend more time with then they really can get on your nerves . On top the boys are stuck on the island together so if they are annoyed by each other they can't just avoid each other for a couple days . The boys all also have different ages so they are interested in different stuff . Since there is also nobody which leads the boys or gives them any rules they can do whatever they want . So everything can get out of controls very easy .

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