Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trimester Expection

I think the last Trimester was good . I enjoyed talking about the Odyssey a lot . I think the vocabulary tests were hard . I hope that we'll have some group activties this trimester .


I enjoyed talking about the Odyssey because it was different from other stories and the fact that it Odysseus might existed makes it more interesting . Odysseus has to go trough a lot of situations in the Odyssey he has a lot ups and downs , but it doesn’t matter how deep he falls with his crew he always represents himself as a very good leader and get his crew and him out of trouble . It is also festinating how he always thinks before he does something , for example in the Cyclops before he just started hitting the Cyclops he thought of a plan how to trick him so everybody would get out of the cave save . I also have a lot of respect for Penelope she was waiting for Odysseus for 20 years , I do not think a lot of women would do that for their husband , and she kept loving him the whole time . I think reading the Odyssey is very good , because Odysseus is a very good example for people and especially young people today , because he teaches never to give up , to over thing before you handle and being strong .